International Digital Strategy – Perspectives from Kenya and Rwanda

Diese Veranstaltung liegt in der Vergangenheit.

We are pleased to welcome Tobias Bacherle, Member of the German Bundestag and Chairman of the Committee for Digital Affairs, to share insights from his recent delegation trip to Kenya and Rwanda. His report will kick off our discussion on what we can learn from the digitalization initiatives undertaken in these two African states as Germany intends to develop its own strategy on digital foreign policy. We will also be joined by Jacob Olonde, Founder and CEO of the Environmental Capacity and Sustainability Institute (ECAS), who will be giving a presentation on his institutes efforts to tackle data, capacity, and policy gaps in the green transformation sector in Kenya and beyond.

The event will take place on September 8th from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. at the GWD office, Dorotheenstr. 3 in Berlin-Mitte. The event will be held under the Chatham House Rule.



8. September 2023 9:00
8. September 2023 10:00
Dorotheenstraße 3, 10117 Berlin


Grüner Wirtschaftsdialog
Der Grüne Wirtschaftsdialog e.V. versteht sich als Brückenbauer zwischen Wirtschaft und Politik. Als parteiunabhängiger Verein von Unternehmen und Personen unterstützt er die Transformation zu einer sozial-ökologischen Marktwirtschaft. Dazu bietet er verschiedene Dialogformate an, um eine offene Kommunikation und bessere Verständigung zwischen den verschiedenen Akteur:innen zu fördern.