This summit on media, data and misinformation will be an occasion to showcase the results of the MediaFutures programme: artworks, tools and services created by the supported artists and startups but also learnings, toolkit on misinformation and policy briefs.It will include panels and keynotes with experts, presentations of local and European initiatives for artists and startups as well as social moments for professionals and the general audience.
A specific focus will be made on the projects of the 3rd cohort of MediaFutures programme, supported in 2023, providing them with networking opportunities, as well as supporting them with the sustainability and visibility of their projects.
At the end of this event, demonstrating the impact of the MediaFutures programme to reshape the media value chain, attendees will be invited to celebrate the end of this 3-year programme around cocktails and music fostering synergies among teams, cultural and business partners and the general audience.
Preliminary programme
Thursday, June the 8th
10:30am – Welcome coffee
11:00am – Introduction of the day and event
11:30am – Pitch session – Presentation of the 4 teams from Startup meets Artists
12:30pm – Networking lunch
2:00pm – Inspirational talks and keynotes
6:00pm – Pitch session – Presentation of the 4 teams from Startups for Citizens
7:00pm – 8:30pm: networking drinks
Friday, June the 9th
9:30am – Welcome coffee
10:00am – Panel discussion – further opportunities for artists and startups to collaborate in Europe
11:30am – Pitch session – presentation of the 5 teams from Artists for Media
12:45pm – Networking lunch
2:00pm – Performance and keynotes
5:00pm – Conclusion of the days and the MediaFutures programme
6:00pm – Prize announcement – Award Ceremony
7:00pm – 10pm: Party