CGYPP 2023 | Searching for common ground: sustainable future for democracies

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Europe finds itself in a time of multiple challenges. While Europeans were still struggling with the economic aftermath of the Covid pandemic and had to cope with the effects in their societies, there is war again in Europe since February 2022. The Russian war of aggression on Ukraine is shaking the European peace to its foundations. At the same time, democracies across the world are confronted with China’s greater ambitions and are looking for policies to counter its hostile influence and find ways to break out of economic dependence. The resulting impact on European society, including Czech and German ones, such as inflation, energy crisis and insecurity, is together with affects of climate change an enormous burden. Yet the democratic framework of European societies must cushion these crisis. As the recent elections in Italy demonstrated, the trend of right-wing populist forces gaining strength in Europe is also continuing. Stable and sustainable democracies with strong institutions and resilient societies are therefore the very base for and future perspective and cooperation.

In order to find sustainable perspectives for a common Europe, we must therefore talk about the possibilities of resilient and sustainable democracies. In this context, cross-border dialogues are indispensable. The CGYPP would therefore like to devote itself to these questions in 2023.

What lessons do German and Czech societies as Europeans learn from the past pandemic years? How can the need for peace be anchored in our societies? What must the democracies of the future look like in order to enable peaceful, fair and secure cohesion in Europe? In three seminars, we would like to focus on the impacts of the crisis on Czech and German democracies and on the necessary conditions for stable democracies in the future.

Learn more about CGYPP here.


  1. Workshop in Berlin, April 13 – 16, 2023
  2. Workshop in Prague, June 15 – 18, 2023
  3. Workshop in Pilsen, October 5 – 8, 2023


  • Czechs and Germans with open mindset in the age of 25-40 with varying professional backgrounds (from the fields of academia, business, media, politics, public administration and NGOs)


13. April 2023 9:00
16. April 2023 15:00


Europäische Akademie Berlin
Als Wissensvermittler will die EAB Politik erklären und europapolitische Zusammenhänge vermitteln. Indem sie die Kritikfähigkeit des Einzelnen stärkt, leistet sie so einen Beitrag für eine lebendige Zivilgesellschaft in Deutschland und Europa.