The Innovation in Politics Convention & Awards Gala in Warsaw will honour this year’s most innovative political projects, present state-of-the-art solutions in democracy technologies and facilitate an open dialogue on current trends and topics that shape the political landscape.
Since 2017, the annual Innovation in Politics Awards have been featuring Europe’s most creative and courageous politicians by recognising their exemplary political projects which create positive change across the region.
This year, for the very first time, we will host the Innovation in Politics Convention – an all-day conference for a lively exchange of ideas about how to make democratic politics more effective and fit for an uncertain future. A series of sessions will focus on the burning questions of today, featuring the finalists of the Innovation in Politics Awards, the European Capital of Democracy initiative, Democrac
At the Innovation in Politics Evening Gala the winners of this year´s Innovation in Politics Awards will be announced and presented with their trophies in a festive and entertaining ceremony.